Vol. 18 No. 2 (2012): Dislocations

The new exhibition catalog of LEA (LEA Volume 18 Issue 2) is Dislocations features the works of Charles Csuri, David Cotterrell, Danielle Roney and Jeff Conefry, Mathias Fuchs, and Songül Boyraz. The exhibition Dislocations is realized on the Media Facade of The Museum of Contemporary Art Zagreb in collaboration with ISEA2011 Istanbul, Borusan Müzikevi, and Kasa Gallery. DISLOCATIONS‘ curatoriate: Lanfranco Aceti and Tihomir Milovac (senior curators).
Dislocations is part of the Official Parallel Program of the 12th Istanbul Biennial.
ISBN: 978-1-906897-17-8
ISSN: 1071-4391
Number of pages: 186
Author: Lanfranco Aceti